Daughters of the King (DoK)
For His Sake
The Daughters of the King (DoK), a worldwide prayer ministry, is an Order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in communion with it, or churches in the historic episcopate but not in communion with it. Today our membership includes women in Episcopal, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, and Anglican Churches.
Are you called to become a Daughter of the King?
We are a group of Christian women striving to fulfill the promises of our Baptismal Covenant through the adoption of a Rule of Life.
To continue in the Apostles' teachings and fellowship, in the breaking of the bread and in the prayers.
To preserve in resisting evil, and when we fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord.
To proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.
To strive and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves.
To strive for justice and peace among all people and to respect the dignity of every human being.
At Confirmation we promise to pray, work, and give for the spread of Christ's Kingdom. Through membership in our Order, women are:
Strengthened through prayer, helped to grow in faith through study, supported by the community of other Daughters.
We are a group of women living a Rule of Prayer and Service. We are women to whom others can look for compassion and help in a time of need, loss, and loneliness. We seek to walk with God as our guide, drawing others into God's loving community in the church. Grounded in prayer, our lives are lived in joyful service. The Order of the Daughters of the King is a safe haven in a busy world where we can be together and support each other in Christ's love.
Duties and Responsibilities of Members
A daughter will love God, and with God's help, have genuine affection for her neighbors. She will always remember that her love for Jesus is only real and true when she does in fact love and practice forbearance with her most unloving neighbors. A Daughter will pray to Jesus as her intimate friend. She prays regularly and unceasingly, for prayer is a state of being, not just a physical or verbal position. A Daughter's life is prayer born of love, not fear. A Daughter's service to the King of Kings is accomplished in and through God's family, the church. To accomplish this, a Daughter will:
Follow a daily Rule of Life, fulfilling her vows of Prayer and Service.
Undertake a personal program of evangelism, bringing God's Good News to others through prayer and service, welcoming them into Christ's Body, the Church.
Participate in regular financial support of the Order by paying annual National dues, giving throughout the year to the four funds of the Order (the Self-Denial Fund, the Master's Fund, the Endowment Fund, and the Alpha Fund) and supporting her own Chapter with contributions at meetings.
Participate in regular Chapter meetings twice a month, helping with Chapter projects when possible.
To learn more about the Daughters of the King, email Robin Barrett.

Have you ever wondered about the small wooden box on the offering table in the rear of the sanctuary? There was once a sign on the wall, explaining that the St. Jane Chapter of Trinity’s Daughters of the King would be happy to join you in prayer for any concern(s) you put in it.
We Daughters are a group of women from Trinity dedicated to prayer and service. We believe strongly that prayer makes a difference.
If there is someone or something for whom you would like us to pray, please tell us by dropping a note in the box. All requests will be kept strictly confidential as we lift them to God in prayer. It would be an honor to serve you in this way.
— Trinity’s Prayer Box Ministry