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The Library at Trinity

Trinity Library

News From Trinity's Library

The Trinity library has made the most popular book categories more accessible by rearranging their placement on the shelves and continues to refresh the collection by replacing many older books with newer ones, especially fiction.


Look for the new location of the anti-racism section featuring a display of a “Racism and Hate Have No Place Here” sign and two Racial Healing Committee-produced publications, the extensively-researched Trinity History Through a Racial Lens and a binder of book reviews giving readers insights into the state of bigotry in America. You are invited to borrow the library’s copy of the racial lens history but are asked to read and retain the book reviews within the library.  


These are among the latest newly-acquired books. I have placed

them in the new book rack:


  • “Little Library of Banned Books,” a funny and provocative novel about a town busybody determined to ban many of the books in the school library and those who plot against her efforts.


  • When in Rome, by Lliam Callanan, a well-reviewed love story about a women who comes to Italy to enter a convent and unexpectedly finds romance.


  • Good Omens, by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, the outrageously funny novel about Armageddon that spawned the popular television series. 


  • Signs and Wonders, by Phillip Gulley, a story of sometimes joyful, sometimes rocky life in a Quaker-dominated small town from a Quaker minister/author known for his humor and deft storytelling.


Selby McCash,

Library Committee​



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