The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew
Mission Statement
To bring men and youth to Christ.
The Brotherhood endeavors to accomplish this mission through the threefold disciplines of Prayer, Study and Service.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew has been bringing men and youth to Jesus Christ since its founding on the cold, wintry day of Nov. 30, 1883 at St. James’ Episcopal Church in downtown Chicago. Homeless men were sleeping on the city’s downtown streets – and it was these men the fledgling Brotherhood wanted to save.
There are three disciplines Brothers Andrew follow:
Bible study
Today, the Brotherhood of St. Andrew is a worldwide ministry with chapters in Africa, Japan, the Philippines, Great Britain, Canada, Haiti and the United States. Its 4,000+ members in 350+ U.S. chapters perform a myriad of ministries, from building and operating a medical mission ship to sponsoring homes for women and children-in-need.
The Trinity Chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew was chartered in November 1986. The chapter has the second largest number of members in the Diocese of Virginia with over 30 members. They have been recognized with the BStA National President’s Trophy because of playing a large part in the Province III’s highest percentage of members in good standing.
Additionally, the chapter actively participates in Trinity ministries and the local Fredericksburg community charitable organizations. In 2022 the Trinity Chapter joined the Veteran Military/Veteran Friendly Congregation (VMFC) Ministry to provide a visible sign to all who visit the congregation that Brothers Andrew understand and are sympathetic to the needs of veterans and their families. The VMFC finds, honors, and recognizes veterans for their service. Last, but not least the chapter sponsors such “fun” events such as the annual Trinity Picnic and FredNats Outing.
The chapter meets from 8 am to 9 am on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month in Barber Hall. Meetings consist of prayer, breakfast, a business meeting, and Bible study.
Contact John Henze for more information about joining the Brotherhood and other questions.
For more information about the Brotherhood of St. Andrew,
Ten Reasons to Love the Brotherhood of St. Andrew
It’s a great community of Brothers who will support and uplift no matter what life brings.
Awesome Bible Study.
Good food and fun.
Meaningful mission – locally and globally.
Terrific technology, from monthly webinars and newsletter to a top-notch website.
Leadership opportunities in the parish and beyond.
Hint: you can usually put together a quick golf foursome!
There isn’t a better bunch of prayer partners.
Need something? Someone is always there to help.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew’s proud heritage goes back decades.
What are some of the things we do?
Donation to and Participation in Blessings in a Backpack - for meals to school-age children who cannot afford them.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper – Preparing and serving meals for a Trinity Chapter fund-raiser for outreach events and Trinity Sunday picnic in March.
Donation to and Participation in Rebuilding Together- to repair houses of community residents in need in April.
Donation to and Participation in SAWS (Servants at Work) - a nonprofit, volunteer organization to build ramps for wheelchair users.
Trinity Sunday Picnic – Providing logistical support and some meal items and grilling during the annual church picnic on Trinity Sunday.
Italian Dinner – Preparing and serving meals for a fund-raiser for outreach events and Trinity Sunday picnic where the Trinity Chapter prepares meals and hosts parish families and their guests in October.
Observance of the Feast of St. Andrew in November.
Donation to Elf Sunday - a Trinity ministry which provides toys and necessities to children in local underserved neighborhoods in December.
Breakfast with Santa - with St. Jane Chapter, Daughters of the King – a Trinity event for small children where the Trinity Chapter donates funds and prepares breakfast for family members in December.
Why I am in the Brotherhood of St. Andrew
by David (Dave) Adams
NOTE: Dave Adams was elected as a Chapter Representative to the Brotherhood National Executive Board in June 2021. He is a retired U.S. Army colonel and serves in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary as a Rear Admiral. Dave has been a member of the Brotherhood for many years and currently serves in a variety of capacities for the Trinity Chapter in Fredericksburg, Virginia. At the National level, Dave is the information technology manager and webmaster for the Veterans Ministry.
I am honored to share my reasons for being a member of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. The main reason is that I consider serving God as my spiritual duty just as serving my country in uniform as my patriotic duty. Service is important to me – whether it is Christian service, community service, or military service. The Brotherhood offers many opportunities to serve, whether at local chapter level, diocese level, provincial level, or national level.
Another reason I am in the Brotherhood is fellowship. There is a certain amount of inspiration from being with my brothers in prayer.
Last, but not least, I am in the Brotherhood to learn through Bible Study. I am thrilled to lead Bible Study and learn much when I am the one who has to research the Scriptures so that I can share precious spiritual truths with those who are eager to learn.
In closing, I consider the Brotherhood of St. Andrew a priority in my life. It is an essential part of the Body of Christ and an essential part of my life. I cannot imagine not being one of the Brothers Andrew.
Contact John Henze for more information about joining the Brotherhood and other questions.